CBSE 10TH Results - JNV Tops

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, continued to outperform other schools.
98.54 per cent students of Navodaya Vidyalayas achieved success

This will be the last of the CBSE Xth Exams

Students can get their results on their e-mail address by registering themselves on

JNV Chandigarh : Success Scores

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Chandigarh & Punjab topped CBSE Chandigarh with outstanding 95.02%

In overall girls have outdone boys again by managing a pass percentage tally of 83.48% against 73.51% .

GOA tops CBSE Chennai Region

Second year in succession and Goa has topped CBSE Chennai region.

In Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Canacona, 42 appeared for the exam in the science stream of which 41 passed. The school toppers were Teja Velip and Kavita Nanshikar, both of whom scored 79%.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at Valpoi recorded 100% results. Ramma from the school topped Goa in the arts stream scoring 85.6%.

Goa also recorded an 11-year-high pass percentage of 92.17.