Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas - Overview

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas

The coverage of Navodaya Vidyalaya in educationally backward districts has been considerably high. Out of the States with low literacy rate.

The Main Aim of the Navodaya Vidyalay Samiti is the administration of the residential schools all over the country and various other activities centring around the school education. The Schools run by the Samiti are called Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV). Five hundred and nine such Schools have been sanctioned in 34 States and Union Territories except Tamil Nadu. Out of these, 485 Schools are presently functional.

To ensure that all students of Navodaya Vidyalayas attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in the three language formula.

To serve, in each district, as focal points for improvement in quality of school education in general through sharing of experiences and facilities.

The objectives of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme are as follows: To provide good quality modern education, including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education - to the talented children predominantly from rural areas, without regard to their familys socio-economic condition.

Scouting and Guiding, and NCC.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is recognised as a State for Scouting and Guiding activities by the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Navodaya students regularly and actively participate in various programmes of BSG.

NCC is being introduced in JNVs in a phased manner. Samiti had a total cadet strength of 9420 during 2003-2004. As part of NCC training, students of the JNVs attended several camps and excelled themselves.

Games and Sports.

Games and Sports are encouraged in the JNVs to develop fitness, physical and neuro-muscular skills and promote the spirits of co-operation and sportsmanship. Vidyalayas organize National Sports Meets to identify talented children in sports. Specialised sports like archery, Judo and Gymnastics are encouraged in some of the JNVs situated in tribal areas in the country.

Training for Quality Education.

It has become very essential for Samiti to organize its own training facilities to equip the 8000 odd teachers working in the Samiti.

As such Samiti has established five training centers informally within the available infrastructure in the Vidyalaya campuses at Chandigarh, Ghaziabad, Goa, Hyderabad and Guntur where a building was donated by a local philanthropist. These training centers are now known as Navodaya Leadership Institutes.

These institutes are regularly organizing in-service training courses/refresher courses for the teachers from different parts of the country.

The following are the nature of training courses being conducted from time to time. Induction /pre-service training courses for the Principals, PGT/TGTs for a duration of 21 days

Content oriented in-service training courses for PGTs and TGTs in different subjects for a duration of two to three weeks depending upon the nature of the course.

Short-term refresher courses for subject teachers on content analysis, innovations, testing and evaluation for a duration of approximately six days to one week.

Capsule courses of three days duration on specific subject areas like remediation, setting up question papers, evaluation etc. depending upon the requirement of teachers.

The training methodology to a large extent is participatory reducing the lecture method to minimum. The process of learning of the trainees will consist methods like discussion, case study, investigation, problem solving, role play, group work, project work, field visits and other participatory activities.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is highlighting the factors of Qualitative Education during the training programmes to different categories of Navodaya Vidyalaya staff members and some of the factors of emphasis during the training programmes are as below: Safety & Security of stakeholders Identifying training needs, prioritizing, planning, implementation & Evaluation of the training programmes Making them to understand and act for Vision and Objectives for their sense of purpose Implementation of National curricular plan Increasing competitiveness in work Looking to pool up the talents of professionals with a concern to work in teams Full attendance of stakeholders Minimizing or avoiding disruptive tendencies of productivity Responding the accountability Effective communication Proper Interpersonal Human relationships Creation of congenial residential culture Use of vivid, audio-video teaching aids Space for innovative methods of teaching Continuous comprehensive evaluation Promoting excellence Timely completion of specific works of staff Remedial teaching Use of electronic media devices Inculcation of moral & value oriented education In order to held the teachers reach a high level of attainment through innovation and experimentation, training of teachers is an important aspect of teacher skill up-gradation. Emphasis is laid on modern educational technology, appropriate inter-personal human relationship, the right kind of environment, value orientation, interaction and participatory approach in teaching and learning processes in the Vidyalayas. The Samiti also takes care of continuous pre-service and in service training of teachers in collaboration with higher institutes of learning in the country such as NCERT, NIEPA, RIE etc.

The training wing of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti aims at the following: Identification of the needs of the Navodaya Vidyalaya teachers and accordingly, the organisation of various types of in-service courses for them.

Development of curriculum enrichment material for in service courses as well as for reinforcing actual classroom teaching.

Development of effective low cost teaching aids and acquainting teachers with the latest educational technology.

Encouragement & coordination of innovative practices, action research, experimentation, survey projects etc. in the areas of the Navodaya Vidyalaya System.

Evaluation of the practices and procedures of the Navodaya Vidyalaya System and suggestion of steps for further improvement.

Creation of nodal centers of dissemination of value bases education in Navodaya Vidyalayas.

Migration : An Experiment In National Integration One of the important features of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme is a scheme of exchange of students from one Navodaya Vidyalaya in a particular linguistic region to another Vidyalaya in a different linguistic region to promote understanding of the diversity and plurality of Indias. cultures and people. According to the Scheme 30% of children from one Navodaya Vidyalaya are migrated to another Vidyalaya at Class IX level. The migration lakes place generally speaking, between Hindi and Non-Hindi speaking districts. The students to be migrated are selected by the district magistrates who are ex-officio Chairmen of the Vidyalayas, on the basis of students voluntary willingness and by a lottery, where sufficient number is not forthcoming on voluntary basis.

Due precautions are taken in transporting the children from the remotest parts of the country between JNVs located in North, South, East or West India. The officers from the Headquarters as well as Regional Offices of the NVS during their visits to JNVs make it a point to see that the migrated children are happily adjusted in the Vidyalayas they have migrated to . By and large, migrated children are well adjusted but for a few exceptions. The Principals have been instructed to ensure that the children under migration are made to feel at home to the extent possible by giving them special care and attention.

Facilities To Students Of Navodaya Vidyalayas Education in the JNVs including boarding and lodging as well as expenses on uniform, textbooks, stationery, rail/bus fare from to the homes etc. are free for all students. The present norms in respect of expenditure on students are as under: Items Rates Total (Rs) Boarding @ Rs 500/-per month per child for 9 months 5000. 00 Uniform @ Rs 600/-per child per year (To be provided one in two years). 600. 00 Text Books @ Rs 100/-per year per child 100. 00 Toilet Articles @ Rs 300/-per year per child 300. 00 Other items (Stationary, Travelling, Medical Expenses etc. ) 500. 00 Total expenses per child per year 6500. 00 Mess Facilities Being residential schools proper mess arrangements are of great importance in our Navodaya Vidyalayas. The Mess is run by the Vidyalaya itself under the overall direction of the Principal and with the help and guidance of the Chairman of the Vidyalaya Management Committee. The Mess Committee consists of the Principal as Chairman and two House Masters (one male and one female) two boys and two girls as members and the Catering Assistant as Member Secretary. Where there is no Catering Assistant one male House Master is the convener of the Committee. The Samiti has sanctioned posts of Cook and Mess Helpers for Vidyalayas. Principals are free to appoint a few more helpers on part time/ casual basis.

OPENING Of JNVs - The original objective of providing one Navodaya Vidyalaya in each district, has been actively pursued. 509 Vidyalayas are sanctioned at present in 34 states and UTs excluding two State Level JNVs sanctioned at Sirsa (Haryana) and Allahabad (U. P. ). Out of these, 485 schools are presently functional.

15 new JNVs have been sanctioned in the year 2003-2004. It is proposed to open 100 new JNVs during the rest of X Plan period, bringing the total coverage to 568 districts. The opening of a Navodaya Vidyalaya is based on the proposal from the concerned State/UT Governments offering 30 acres of suitable land free of cost, sufficient temporary building and other infrastructure free of rent or on permanent basis.

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