The prestigious Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is pushing limits and moving out of traditional school-room education, in a recent tie-up with Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow, the senior administrators of the school will be trained by IIM Lucknow faculties, this involves training in career counsellings, change management, team building etc.

A.N. Ramachandra, deputy commissioner of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) said that  "The aim is to make our students grow as complete and successful individuals, Leadership, team building, human capital management are some of the things we learn at IIM Lucknow". Ramachandra himself had undergone a similar training program  at IIM Kolkata.

Currently There are 565 schools under the NVS umbrella in India,  and NVS is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development with the minister as its chairman.

Navodaya News Service

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