JNV - Enterance Exams to Stay

Considering Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas as an exception, JNV are excluded from the Right to Education (RTE) Act.

HRD ministry got this positive confirmation few days back from the Law ministry. Law ministry also mentioned the schools as "a class apart" and a class sui generis, the stage is set to keep the Navodaya schools out of the ambit of the critical RTE clause.

Also 2,500 model schools are also likely to get the same exemption as 'special category' school like JNV.

Also there will be no need to amend the RTE Act.


Unknown said...

Visit http://navodayasystem.blogspot.com/ for the latest on JNVST and other isuues

Unknown said...

we are very happy with this exception news.everybody must know the date of exam in advance to revise.

sarangi said...

please let the date of entrance exam in advance by news paper advertisement